News-Gazette, Town Hall #2: Urbana Bicycle Friendly Gold status and pedestrian safety
Urbana, IL (News-Gazette)—Former Urbana city clerk and council member CHARLIE SMYTH, co-founder and past chair of Champaign County Bikes asks: As a bike and pedestrian advocate, I would like to know how you will enhance Urbana’s Bicycle Friendly Gold status and improve pedestrian safety.
“Urbana needs safe, sustainable streets that are accessible and equitable for everyone. With nearly 20 percent of households not owning a car, young people unable to drive and many older residents relying on alternative transportation, it is more important than ever that we create safe, welcoming streets and paths that connect our community to schools, workplaces, parks, libraries, grocery stores, community centers, places of worship and other essential destinations.
“Guided by Urbana’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans, I’ll focus on solutions that benefit all residents. Programs like C-U Safe Routes to School will ensure kids can walk and bike safely. As drivers face increasing distractions, I’ll work with the Urbana Police Department to track crash data, identify high-risk areas and implement smart improvements, such as adding crosswalks and stop signs near schools, parks and community centers.
“We’ll reduce traffic speeds in neighborhoods, aim for zero serious injuries or fatalities on our roads and build partnerships to strengthen citywide connections. For example, I’ll collaborate with the Champaign County Forest Preserve and Urbana Park District to extend the 25-mile Kickapoo Rail Trail into downtown Urbana with safe, off-road paths.
“As Illinois’ only Gold Bicycle Friendly Community, Urbana has a strong foundation. By improving safety and accessibility, we can create a healthier, more connected community while supporting local businesses.”—ANNIE ADAMS