Diane W. Marlin
Mayor of Urbana, 2017-2025

“Annie Adams has experience, vision, and a passion for public service. Most of all, she loves living in the City of Urbana and has worked for the past 10 years to improve safety, celebrate neighborhoods, and bring people together through the arts in our community. Annie is practical, accessible, and straight-talking. I’m proud to support Annie Adams for Mayor of Urbana!”

Urbana’s Police Officers 
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 70

“The Urbana Police Union is proud to endorse Annie Adams for Mayor. She understands that a safe, thriving community depends on a modern, well-supported police force that works in partnership with the people we serve. On February 25th, Urbana will choose its next mayor. We believe in a forward-thinking, data-driven approach to public safety—one built on strong community partnerships. Annie Adams shares that vision,” 

Naomi Jakobsson
Trustee, University of Illinois YMCA (2019-2023)
Representative, 103rd District, Illinois House of Representatives (2003-2015)
Director, YWCA of the University of Illinois (2001-2003)
Development Officer, University of Illinois YMCA (1999-2001)
Interim Executive Director, A Woman’s Fund (1997-1999)
Champaign County Recorder (1984-1996)

“I’ve witnessed Annie Adams’ dedication to Urbana over the last eight years and have come away impressed with her dedication to community service. In that time, she has familiarized herself with city government operations and brought people together to celebrate culture and support local businesses.

I’m happy to endorse Annie for Mayor of Urbana. We need responsible, steady leadership focused on delivering excellent city services, commitment to public safety, and, most importantly, connecting people to government and each other.”

Darlene Kloeppel
Champaign County Executive (2018-2022)
Community Service Director, Regional Planning Commission (2021-2006)

“The Urbana mayor meets daily challenges to assure all essential city services are delivered for its residents.

These responsibilities require careful listening and competent management, analysis and communication skills, as well as a developed understanding of the complicated web of legal, financial and human resources available to actually get things done.

Please vote for Annie Adams as the candidate who has experience with Urbana’s way of doing business and has articulated some practical strategies to address pressing issues that will face all residents in our city in the next four years.”

Cynthia Hoyle
Co-Chair, C-U Safe Routes to School Project

“Annie Adams is steadfastly devoted to making Urbana a community where people can safely move around on foot, bicycle, public transportation, and automobiles. I’ve worked alongside Annie on the Urbana Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for years and she knows how to build coalitions and get things done. I am delighted to endorse her for Mayor of Urbana.”

Audrey Ishii
Chair of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, City of Urbana

“I've worked alongside Annie Adams on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for nearly a decade, promoting safe and inclusive transportation infrastructure and policies. She has routinely done the hands-on work of acquiring community input, making informative presentations to city commissions and to the City Council, creating effective public outreach, and developing relationships.

Annie knows how the City works and most importantly, her passion and vision for Urbana acknowledges the need to work within practical constraints that include everyone in problem solving. I proudly endorse Annie for Mayor.”

Giovanna Dibenedetto
Silver Hearts

“As the founder of Silver Hearts, a group dedicated to serving the residents of Urbana’s Silverwood neighborhood, I am proud to endorse Annie Adams for Mayor of Urbana!

Silver Hearts focuses on fostering community to reduce violence and address food insecurity. These goals align perfectly with Annie’s commitment to building an inclusive and collaborative Urbana, where law enforcement, community services, and residents work together to create a safer, stronger city.

Annie’s leadership is grounded in experience, vision, and compassion. She understands the importance of empowering others to step into leadership roles and values the voices of all residents—adults and youth alike. Her dedication to engaging our youth sends a clear message: their voices matter, and they are vital to the future of our city.

Annie Adams has the heart and determination to lead Urbana into a brighter, more unified future. My family and I wholeheartedly support her for mayor.”