Learn about our city

We thought you should know a few things about the city and what our government is responsible for. 

38K+ residents

Majority of residents are under 25 or over 60 years old

City employees: 280 (approx.)

Tax-exempt property

31% of our land area is exempt from property taxes

Not taxable: University of Illinois, Urbana School District, Urbana Park District, U-C Sanitary District, former C-U landfill, CU Mass Transit District properties, Champaign County properties, United States Federal Courthouse, OSF Heart of Mary Medical Center, Carle Foundation Hospital and Clinic, all religious institutions properties, City of Urbana properties and Cunningham Township properties


6 square miles | 38K+ residents


12 square miles | 38K+ residents (same as 1970)

We’ve doubled the city’s infrastructure and service area, yet our population and revenue have stalled.

Urbana property tax: for every $1 paid, only 12 ¢ goes to city government

City government manages

Community development

Economic development

Fire / EMS



Street lights

Streets and sidewalks (except those owned by the state, county, and university)

Separate taxing bodies

Taxes paid, from highest to lowest

Urbana School District

Urbana Park District

Champaign County Government

Parkland College

Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District

Cunningham Township
(The City of Urbana serves as the Township Board for budget and bill approval)

C-U PublicHealth Department

Forest Preserve District

Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District

Our city has made substantial progress
over the past 8 years

  • Eliminated $2.5M deficit

  • Fire and Police pension funds back on track

  • Rebuilt city emergency reserves

  • Created and implemented a 10-yr Master Facilities plan for city-owned buildings

  • Established budget priorities for our $1.8B public infrastructure system, including LAMP (Lighting Assets Management Plan), SWAMP (Storm Water Asset Management Plan), and the Pavement Assessment plan—which informs all capital improvement planning

  • Modernized and digitized city processes and systems improving accessibility (ex. implementing a cloud-based financial system)

  • Developed a new and inclusive comprehensive plan

  • Led the state in residential geothermal and solar installations

  • Proactively, innovated, and joined with community partners to protect community health and financial recovery from the pandemic

  • Distributed millions in state and federal COVID relief funds to local businesses and community partners

  • Built Public Works citywide storage facility

  • Construction of two new fire stations

  • Remodeled City Hall

Learn more about your city Examine Urbana